2013Q1 Reports: EACL
EACL Report, January 2013
Stephen Clark, Chair
Lluis Marquez, Chair-Elect
Caroline Sporleder, Secretary
Mike Rosner, Treasurer
EACL 2014
Report by Stephen Clark
As announced in the previous quarterly report, Gothenburg was chosen to host EACL 2014. Since then we have chosen the General Chair, who is Shuly Wintner from the University of Haifa, and the Program Chairs: Sharon Goldwater from the Unviersity of Edinburgh and Stefan Riezler from the University of Heidelberg. Shuly has since compiled a list of conference chairs. Organisation is progressing well, in line with the standard ACL conference timeline, and there exists effective communication between EACL, the General Chair and the Local Chairs.
Financial Report
Report by Mike Rosner
31-Dec-11 9,282
EXPENSES EACL Sponsorship -2,500 total expenses -2,500
31-Dec-12 6,782
Nominations to the ACL Sponsorship Committee for 2013
Jochen Leidner from Thomson Reuters has agreed to serve this role. Idan Szpektor of Yahoo has come to the end of his term and no longer wishes to continue (with good reasons), so we will look to replace him.
EACL Sponsorships
We have received a request from ESSLLI to sponsor 2-3 students for ESSLLI 2013, to which we replied positively, with the expectation that 2-3 students will be sponsored up to 1,000 Euro each to attend ESSLLI, in line with the sponsorship guidelines on the EACL website (in particular with a focus on students from Eastern Europe).
Two newsletters were again produced for 2012, continuing the recent tradition of an additional newsletter describing regional computational linguistics events and conferences held in Europe.
EACL Elections
Elections for the EACL Board were held in the autumn of 2012. In October, the list of nominated candidates were sent to the Chapter. By December 1, no additional nominations had been received. The new EACL Board composition for the period 2013-2014 is as follows:
Chair: Stephen Clark (University of Cambridge, UK)
Chair-Elect: Lluis Marquez (UPC, Barcelona, Spain)
Secretary: Caroline Sporleder (Trier University, Germany)
Treasurer: Mike Rosner (University of Malta, Malta)
Advisory Board: Frank Keller (University of Edinburgh, UK) Alexander Koller (University of Potsdam, Germany) Vivi Nastase (Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, Germany) Kemal Oflazer (Carnegie Mellon University, Qatar)
The EACL welcomes the new members of the EACL Board and greatly thanks the outgoing members for their years of service to the CL community.
Marie-Francine Moens (Chair) Stephen Clark (Chair-Elect) Joakim Nivre (Secretary) Toni Marti (Advisory Board)
EACL Officers per January 1, 2013
Chair: Stephen Clark (University of Cambridge, UK)
Chair-Elect: Lluis Marquez (UPC, Barcelona, Spain)
Secretary: Caroline Sporleder (Trier University, Germany)
Treasurer: Mike Rosner (University of Malta, Malta)
Advisory Board: Frank Keller (University of Edinburgh, UK) Alexander Koller (University of Potsdam, Germany) Vivi Nastase (Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, Germany) Kemal Oflazer (Carnegie Mellon University, Qatar)
Student Board: Konstantina Garoufi (University of Potsdam, Germany) Coskun Mermer (Bogazici University, Turkey) Ivan Vulic (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)