2018Q3 Reports: SIGANN

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SIGANN membership remains at about 250.


Nancy Ide and Adam Meyers were re-elected to the President and Secretary positions in 2017.


The SIGANN Committee is comprised of past and present Program Committee Chairs for SIGANN's annual workshop, the Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW). The committee currently includes Stefanie Dipper, Annemarie Friedrich, Chu-Ren Huang, Jena DC Hwang, Nancy Ide, Lori Levin, Adam Meyers, Antonio Pareja-Lora, Massimo Poesio, Sameer Pradhan, Ines Rehbein, Nathan Schneider, Manfred Stede, Katrin Tomanek, Fei Xia, Nianwen Xue, Heike Zinsmeister.


The SIG's major activity is the organization of the annual workshop. In 2017 the Eleventh Linguistic Annotation Workshop was held in conjunction with EACL in Valencia, Spain. Attendance was not precisely counted but it is notable that we ran out of chairs. Statistics: 14 accepted papers, 9 long (6 of which were presented orally, 3 as posters); 5 short papers (all presented as posters). Total Rejected: 14 (3 withdrawn)

Website and mailing list

We have a working website that lists upcoming events of interest to our members and links to LAW proceedings. We have a listserv list that is used for notices and discussion.