2019Q3 Reports: SIGDAT

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SIGDAT, the ACL special interest group on Linguistic data and corpus-based approaches to NLP will hold its annual conference jointly with AFNLP in Hong Kong from November 3rd to November 7th, 2019. EMNLP-IJCNLP 2018 is a 3 day conference preceded with 2 days of workshops and tutorials. The paper submissions this year continues to show rapid increase for 36% to 2895 papers. With EMNLP 2018’s close to 2500 attendees, more than double amount comparing to the attendees at EMNLP 2017, we’d expect a large conference again this year. More information about the conference can be found at https://www.emnlp-ijcnlp2019.org.

b) EMNLP 2020

EMNLP 2020, a 3 day main conference followed by 2 day workshops and tutorials will be hold in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic (DR) from Nov 8 to Nov 12, 2020. We already have the 4 conference chairs on board

• General Chair: Bonnie Webber (University of Edinburgh, UK)

• Program Chairs:

o Trevor Cohn (University of Melbourne, Australian);

o Yulan He (University of Warwick, UK);

o Yang Liu (Laix Inc. USA)

DR is the most visited tourist destination in Caribbean with many non-stop flights within a few hours from EU and NA. The conference will be hold in a mega resort, Barcelo Bavaro Grand Resort with very nice view, really extraordinary variety of food. The attendees staying at the resort will be offered an extremely good deal with all meals, all drinks, unlimited resort use free. Definitely plenty of options for pre/post or family travel.

-2- SIGDAT Organization

The SIGDAT officers are

• President: Jian Su, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore

• Vice President: Ani Nenkova, University of Pennsylvania, USA

• Vice President-Elect: Iryna Gurevych, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

• Secretary-Treasurer: Noah Smith, University of Washington/AI2, USA

There is also a standing committee of 51 members, which can be found on the SIGDAT web site at http://sigdat.org.