2023Q3 Reports: Student Volunteer Chairs

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ACL 2023 Student Volunteers Chairs Report

This report provides some details on the following items about the student volunteer program at ACL 2023.

  • Call for Volunteers
  • Deadlines
  • Submitted Applications
  • Final Selections

Call for Volunteers

The call for volunteers was out ~3 weeks before the deadline. We prepared the application form with the event assistant. Compile list of information that is needed from the applicant (e.g. name, email, address, CV). See the application form for more details. Prepare a manual to provide further info on the application and the selection criteria


The application was closed on May 31, 2023 and the decision notifications were sent out on June 5, 2023, which is 13 days before the early registration deadline (June 18, 2023). So all applicants were able to register for the conference under the early registration fee.

Submitted Applications

ACL 2023 received a total of 329 applications with ~84% in-person attendance preference. Figure 1 depicts the country frequency of the applicants. Figure 2 shows how many applicants for each position (e.g. PhD) we received.


Figure 1: country frequency of applicants


Figure 2: Position frequency of applicants

Final Selections

  • Final numbers of acceptance to be updated later.
  • Create a sheet for final decisions that includes the applicant general info (name, email, country, position), in addition to other info that would help in the selection process (e.g. has paper at ACL, first author, second author, reasons for volunteering, …), with a special attention to applicants from a minority and underrepresented groups or disadvantaged background.
    • We created a “yes” and “maybe” lists in order to have backups for those who couldn’t make it anymore to ACL
  • The final list contained a combination of in-person and remote volunteers.
  • Each volunteer was expected to help for 8 hours during the conference period. Underline along with other platforms were updated to reflect the tasks and requirements from the volunteers.