2024Q3 Agenda

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  • topic #1: ARR support requirements & general update of ARR (Iryna, Emily)
    • length: 30min
    • other attendees: Thamar Solorio
  • topic #2: Conference pricing (Jenn)
    • background: find a way to lower fees without a loss. The tiered pricing increases cost to Industry and Academic if they are presenting and students presenting still don’t cover their costs.
    • length: 30 min
  • topic #3: Matters related to CL and beyond (Wei)
    • I would like to discuss various challenges and opportunities related to the CL journal and beyond, including issues with the reviewing process, the journal's visibility among younger generations, its continuation, and the strategies and support required from the community.
    • Length: 30 minutes.
  • topic #4: Discussing issues raised in committee/chair reports (Emily)
    • Background: The reports from the various committees (PCC, Ethics, Publication Ethics) and chairs often contain action items that should be discussed by the Exec. I find that if we don't include time for this at the meeting, things can slip through the cracks.
    • Length: 30-60 minutes -- depends on how many issues are raised.
  • topic #5: Business meeting (Emily)
    • Length: 15 minutes, towards or at the end of the meeting.