2024Q3 Reports: SIGSUMM

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As of the latest count, the organization has a total of 82 active members. Membership has been steadily growing, reflecting the increasing interest and engagement within our community.


The officers of SIGSUMM include:

  • Yue Dong, Assistant Professor at University of California, Riverside, Liaison Representative
  • Wen Xiao, Researcher at Microsoft Azure Cognitive Service
  • Yumo Xu, Scientist at AWS AI Labs Seattle
  • Lu Wang, Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan
  • Fei Liu, Associate Professor at Emory University
  • Jackie Chit Kit Cheung, Associate Professor at McGill University
  • Giuseppe Carenini, Professor at the University of British Columbia
  • Mirella Lapata, Professor at the University of Edinburgh
  • Ido Dagan, Professor at Bar-Ilan University


The group was formed in June 2023, and the first election will be held in August 2024.


Past Workshops

NEWSUMM Workshops:

Planned Workshops

  • 5th NewSumm workshop, EMNLP 2025.

Submission and Presentation Numbers

  • 2023: 31 paper submissions with a 42% acceptance rate.
  • 2021 (3rd NewSumm): 18 long and 14 short submissions, 9 long accepted and 7 short accepted, with an overall 50% acceptance rate.


For more information, please visit our website at https://www.sigsumm.org/.

Mailing List

To join our mailing list, please send an email to sigsumm.acl@gmail.com.

Follow Us

Follow SIGSUMM on X (Twitter) @sigsumm_acl.