2024Q3 Reports: SIGWrit

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2024 Annual Report for SIGWrit


53 members.


President (pro tempore): Richard Sproat, Google DeepMind, Japan
Vice President (pro tempore): Emily Prud’hommeaux, Boston College, USA
Secretary-Treasurer (pro tempore): Kyle Gorman, City University of New York, USA
Student Member (pro tempore): Noah Hermalin, University of California Berkeley, USA


No elections have been held yet. We will hold the first election during the Fall of 2024.


The first SIGWrit-sponsored workshop was the Second Workshop on Computation and Written Language (CAWL), held May 2024 in conjunction with LREC-COLING in Torino, Italy. (The first CAWL was co-located with ACL 2023, but we were not a SIG at that point.)

Website: https://sigwrit.org/workshops/cawl2024/

We received 12 submissions (of which 8 were accepted), and hosted a keynote and an invited talk. The workshop received a sponsorship of $3000 from Google.

We are currently discussing when and where our next meeting will be held; we are also considering developing an occasional online talk series.



Mailing list

We have not yet created a mailing list. We may plan to do this in the future.