2024Q3 Reports: Secretary

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Exec Election

There are three opening positions for the exec election of 2024, which include:

  • VP-elect: from Americas (term: 4 years, VP-elect/ VP / president / past president)
  • member at-large: from Americas (term: 3 years)
  • secretary: no region limit (term: 5 years)

The ACL nominating committee will nominate the candidates for the positions before the ACL2024 conference.

Besides the candidates nominated by the nominating committee, we also accept nominations from the floor, which can be sent to the secretary (secretary@aclweb.org).

The election will take place later in the fall.

Exec Meetings

We had an online exec meeting in March. The reports and minutes can be found here: https://www.aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php/2024Q1_Reports

The 2024Q3 Exec meeting will be held on August 11 in Bangkok, the day of tutorials of ACL2024.

Business Meeting

The business meeting is scheduled on the afternoon of August 13, Tuesday:

  • 13:30 – 14:30, Session 10: Plenary - Business Meeting (all attendees welcome)

which is followed by a panel discussion:

  • 14:30 – 15:30, Session 11: Plenary - Panel Discussion
  • Topic: Challenges and Opportunities with SEA LLMs

LTA and Recognition Dinner

As usual, the LTA and Recognition dinner will be held on the last day of the main conference, after the closing session.

ACL resolutions

There are 13 resolutions passed in the first half of 2024. Please see the following page for the list of all passed resolutions: https://www.aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php/ACL_Resolutions