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I am a computational linguist working as a research associate at the Institute for Language and Speech Processing at ATHENA Research Centre, Greece. My research is centered around the emotion lexicon and multiword expressions. I have a long experience in designing and developing language resources (annotated corpora, computational lexica, terminological databases, thesauri, grammars), and tools for processing Greek textual data at various levels of linguistic analysis. I have participated in several National and European research projects mainly in Document Indexing and Retrieval, Information Extraction, Sentiment Analysis, Textual Entailment, Processing and Indexing Cultural Heritage Data, and Machine Translation. I am responsible for the Greek section of the Global FrameNet and have been the co-organizer of the series of PARSEME Shared Tasks on the identification of verbal multi-word expressions. I am a member of SIGLEX (Special Interest Group on the Lexicon of the Association for Computational Linguistics) and its SIGLEX-MWE section.