COLING Workshop on NLP in E-Commerce (EcomNLP'2020)

Event Notification Type: 
Call for Papers
Barcelona, Spain
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Sunday, 13 September 2020
Huasha Zhao
Yifan He
Submission Deadline: 
Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Natural Language Processing (NLP) plays an irreplaceable role in modern e-commerce applications. The e-commerce setting presents exciting novel research opportunities in NLP space. The goal of EComNLP is to bridge the gap between researchers and practitioners to study the unique set of problems in the intersection of NLP and ecommerce.

The workshop concerns all areas of NLP related to e-commerce. We will invite submissions from both academia and industry. In particular, we encourage submissions from researchers with under-represented demographics. We will invite full papers on topics including but not limited to the following.

Topics of Interests:

• Multilingual semantic analysis for product titles and queries
• Attribute extraction from e-commerce product description
• Entity resolution for products
• Linguistic analysis of e-commerce data
• Conversational commerce including QA and chat bots
• Cross-lingual search
• Universal products ranking
• Machine translation in e-commerce
• Knowledge distillation methods
• Domain adaptation
• Unsupervised/semi-supervised structure prediction
• Multimodal approach for sequence labeling task
• Fake review detection
• Reviews, sentiment analysis and attribute extraction
• Semantic representation and understanding for users, products, queries, and services
• Error correction
• Techniques for processing short/ungrammatical/non-standard text
• Efficiency and scalability
• Humans in the loop for product recommendations

Important Dates:

Submission Deadline: May 20, 2020
Acceptance Notification: Jun 24, 2020
Camera-ready Deadline: Jul 11, 2020
Workshop Date: Sep 13, 2020

Workshop Site:

Submission Site:

Please make paper submission at

Submission Instructions:

Formatting guidelines will be same as ACL full paper guidelines: