
ACL Fellows 2024

Dear ACL members,

We are delighted to announce that the ACL Nominating Committee has selected nine ACL fellows for 2024:

  • Philipp Koehn - Johns Hopkins University
  • Scott Wen-tau Yih - Meta Fundamental Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR)
  • Jianfeng Gao - Microsoft
  • James Pustejovsky - Brandeis University
  • Dilek Hakkani-Tur - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • Massimo Poesio - Queen Mary University of London
  • Jimmy Lin - University of Waterloo
  • Lucy Vanderwende - Microsoft
  • Min Zhang - Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen)

ACL 2024 Election Results: Congratulations to Luke Zettlemoyer, Yang Feng and Jordan Lee Boyd-Graber

Dear ACL members,

I am happy to announce the results of the elections for members of the ACL Executive Committee:

  • Luke Zettlemoyer (University of Washington) has been elected as VP-Elect.
  • Yang Feng (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences) has been elected as Secretary.
  • Jordan Lee Boyd-Graber (University of Maryland) has been elected as a Member at-large.

Congratulations to the new members of the ACL Executive Committee. Their terms start on January 1, 2025.
Thanks to all members who voted in the elections.

Shiqi Zhao, ACL Secretary

Call for Nominations: Inaugural Computational Linguistics Doctoral Dissertation Award

The ACL Executive Committee is delighted to announce the establishment of the Computational Linguistics Doctoral Dissertation Award.

This prestigious award, initiated by the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), aims to recognize and promote outstanding doctoral research in the field of computational linguistics and natural language processing. Presented annually at the ACL conference, the award includes a monetary prize and funding to cover the recipient's travel expenses to attend the conference. Additionally, the recipient will deliver an oral presentation during a special session at the conference and receive a certificate presented by the current President of ACL. Each year, one winner will be selected, and there may be several runners-up.

Nominations should be submitted by the candidate's PhD advisor. For the inaugural award, the deadline for nominations is January 31, 2025 (at 11.59 pm, AOE). Further details, including submission guidelines, can be found at this link (

Announcement of the 2024 ACL Test-of-Time Paper Award

The ACL Test-of-Time Paper Award recognizes up to four papers for their long-lasting impact on the field of Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics: two papers from 25 years earlier, and two papers from 10 years earlier.

The 2024 winner of the 1999 Test-of-Time Paper Award is:
Lillian Lee. 1999. Measures of Distributional Similarity.
In Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), pages 25–32, College Park, Maryland, USA.

The 2024 winner of the 2014 Test-of-Time Paper Award is:
Jeffrey Pennington, Richard Socher, and Christopher Manning. 2014. GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation.
In Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), pages 1532–1543, Doha, Qatar.

ACL Policy on Publication Ethics

ACL has now established a policy on publication ethics. Our policy draws on existing practices and standards in the ACL, both explicit and de facto, and common standards in similar bodies. The policy covers issues such as plagiarism, the use of LLMs in producing reviews, disclosures of e.g. authorial control of papers, and what kind of content is suitable in papers at ACL venues. This policy is researched and written by the ACL publication ethics committee, a team of volunteers in the community, and voted in by the ACL. The committee will also manage relevant referred cases to the ACL. More information:

ACL Publication Ethics Committee

The ACL has convened a new Publication Ethics Committee, with inaugural co-chairs Dr. Leon Derczynski, Dr. Kokil Jaidka and Dr. Aoife Cahill. This committee will be charged with developing policies and procedures related to publication ethics, including such issues as plagiarism, the use of LLMs in producing reviews, disclosures of e.g. authorial control of papers, and how to handle issues raised about papers post-publication.

Thank you to Drs. Derczynski, Jaidka and Cahill for taking on this important work!

Call for Nomination of ACL Dragomir Radev Distinguished Service Award

The ACL Dragomir Radev Distinguished Service Award recognizes one individual
each year for extraordinary service to the computational linguistics
community. Areas of service include, but are not limited to: association
service, service as an editor, conference organization, representation of ACL
in other organizations, or influential service as a government agency
contract monitor or program director, that results in positive effects on the
field of computational linguistics.

The criteria for this award are:

Call for Nomination of ACL Lifetime Achievement Award

The ACL Lifetime Achievement award is, as its name indicates, a recognition
for widely recognized, sustained, and enduring contributions to our field
over a long period. It is not awarded merely for outstanding recent
contributions to a currently hot topic. Candidates for the award will
generally be senior, with a working lifetime of contributions, even though
they will often be active in research.

A nomination package should include the following material:
