Workshop on Data Science, Journalism & Media @ KDD 2018

Event Notification Type: 
Call for Papers
Abbreviated Title: 
Monday, 20 August 2018
Elena Eerdman
Dan Gilberg
Kristian Kersting
Douglas McIlwraith
Octavian Popescu
Amanda Stent
Elena Zheleva
Submission Deadline: 
Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Call for Papers – Workshop on Data Science, Journalism & Media @ KDD 2018
August 20, 2018 - London, UK

Key Dates

May 8, 2018 submission deadline
June 8, 2018 notification of acceptance


The Data Science, Journalism & Media workshop at KDD 2018 brings together a community of researchers and practitioners who study problems at the intersection of data science, journalism, and digital media, spanning from data-driven content creation, analysis, and dissemination to the consequences of social media on the perception of news.
We welcome papers that specifically address the challenges at the heart of today’s mass media industry, as we are living the times when the foundation of news organizations is called upon to redefine its shape. This resumption process is unconceivable without a strong computational component. Computational approaches can govern content creation planning, content production, and the promotion and distribution of that content to different audiences. Data science-facilitated journalism promises to bring a more objective perspective on reported issues of public interest, and the analysis of media content on a large scale can shed light on content biases and inspire more balanced news coverage.

Submission Guidelines

Submission instructions at Submitted papers should be 6-8 pages long in the official KDD submission format

Presentation Format

Authors whose papers are accepted to the workshop will have the opportunity to participate in a spotlight and poster session, and some papers will also be chosen for oral presentation. The accepted papers will be published on the workshop website and will not be considered archival for resubmission purposes.


The topics include but are not limited to:
Computational journalism and data science tools for journalists and content creators:
* Data journalism
* Data visualization for news
* Data-driven storytelling
* Journalism for social good
* Predictive models applied to content planning, creation and distribution
* Fact checking
* Curation and annotation
Analysis of news and media:
* Fake news
* Opinion mining
* Argument mining
* Computational propaganda
* Discourse analysis and the role of news in political discourse
* Epochs and styles of journalism
* Effect of technology/digitalization/social media on news
* Pay models for news media
Personalization and news recommendations:
* Filter bubbles
* Algorithmic accountability
* Dissemination of news through social media
* News summarization and timeline generation
Advanced news applications:
* Virtual reality for journalism
* Drones as journalistic tool
* Automated story writing and robot journalism

Program Chairs

Elena Erdmann, TU Darmstadt University and Zeit Online, DE
Dan Gilbert, News UK, UK
Kristian Kersting, TU Darmstadt University, DE
Douglas McIlwraith, Data Science Institute, Imperial College, UK
Octavian Popescu, IBM Research, USA
Amanda Stent, Bloomberg LP, US
Elena Zheleva, University of Illinois at Chicago, US