AI4Research 2024 Calls for Papers

Event Notification Type: 
Call for Papers
Abbreviated Title: 
AI4Research 2024
Jeju Island, South Korea
Monday, 5 August 2024
South Korea
Wenpeng Yin
Lifu Huang
Submission Deadline: 
Monday, 20 May 2024

Dear colleagues,

The 1st AI4Research workshop will be co-located at IJCAI 2024, Jeju Island, South Korea on August 5, 2024. More details:

Keynote speakers:
Prof. Heng Ji: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Topic: AI for Medicine
Prof. Zhouhan Lin: Shanghai Jiao Tong University.Topic: AI for GeoScience

Call for Papers
This workshop aims to bring together researchers from different disciplines who are interested in how AI is made use of to assist, accelerate, and even automate their research activities. As such, the workshop welcomes and covers a wide range of topics, including (non-exclusively):
AI for Social Science, such as Psychology, Criminology, etc.
AI for Natural Science, such as Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Geography, Biology, Material, etc.
AI for Math
AI for Finance
AI automates research, such as automatic data analysis, AI-assisted experiment design, streamlining research processes, etc.
AI as Autonomous Scientists: identifying new research questions, conducting experiments, and analyzing results
AI for academic services, such as automatic paper review, AI for academic writing, scientific paper recommendations, etc.
Scientific document modeling and understanding
Challenges and ethical considerations in AI-driven academic research

Paper format: Please use the official IJCAI format, and we accept papers of pages >=4 (reference and appendix excluded)

Important dates:
May 20: Paper submission deadline
June 2: Notification of acceptance
Aug. 5: Workshop

Organizing Committee:
Wenpeng Yin Asst. Prof.; Penn State University
Janice Ahn Ph.D. Student; Penn State University
Rui Zhang Asst. Prof.; Penn State University
Lifu Huang Asst. Prof.; Virginia Tech
Najoung Kim Asst. Prof.; Boston University
Wei Xu Assoc. Prof.; Georgia Tech
Muhao Chen Asst. Prof.; UC Davis
Heike Adel Professor; Hochschule der Medien

Contact: AI4Research2024 [at]