Eugene Charniak Memorial (Save the Date)

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Friday, November 8 - Saturday, November 9
Brown Computer Science Department, Providence, RI

Brown University invites you to attend an academic memorial event to commemorate the research and legacy of Eugene Charniak ( Eugene, an ACL Lifetime Achievement Award winner and ACL fellow, passed away in June 2023. His colleagues and students have organized a two-day workshop of invited presentations of cutting-edge research with an emphasis on the themes which defined Eugene's career: the legacy of classic statistical NLP/ML, the sometimes-surprising effectiveness of simple baselines, clever tricks for dealing with data sparsity such as self-training or distant supervision, and unsupervised learning.

A full program ( will be posted later this summer. Mark Johnson will give a keynote presentation, along with research talks by Regina Barzilay, Michael Collins, Jason Eisner, Lillian Lee, Ani Nenkova, Ellie Pavlick, Brian Roark, Chris Tanner and Byron Wallace. There will also be opportunities to remember Eugene in a social setting, and a panel discussion of the workshop's research themes.

The event will take place at the Brown Computer Science Department in Providence, RI; attendees are responsible for finding their own accommodations. Instructions for travel to Providence are available here ( The program will begin at 9am on Friday the 8th, and conclude at 1:30pm on Saturday the 9th. All members of the ACL community are welcome, whether you knew Eugene well or not. Please mark your calendars now!

To stay in the loop about the event, please fill out this form ( If you have questions about the event, contact the organizers, Micha Elsner (melsner0 [at] and David McClosky (david.mcclosky [at]