CFP: Third Workshop on Text Simplification, Accessibility and Readability

Event Notification Type: 
Call for Papers
Abbreviated Title: 
TSAR 2024
EMNLP 2024
Contact Email: 
Matthew Shardlow
Submission Deadline: 
Friday, 6 September 2024

The Third Workshop on Text Simplification, Accessibility and Readability (TSAR 2024)

Workshop at EMNLP 2024

Google Group:


Fernando Alva-Manchego, Cardiff University
Horacio Saggion, Pompeu Fabra University
Kai North, George Mason University
Marcos Zampieri, George Mason University
Matthew Shardlow, Manchester Metropolitan University
Regina Stodden, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany
Sanja Štajner, Independent Researcher

Call for Papers

The organisers are pleased to present the third instalment of the annual workshop on Text Simplification, Accessibility and Readability (TSAR 2024). TSAR aims to provide a cohesive environment to draw members of the computational linguistics, natural language processing and artificial intelligence communities working on the use of automated techniques to make language accessible for all. Previous editions of the workshop have been held at EMNLP in 2022 and RANLP in 2023 with significant engagement and participation driving research and building community in the fields of Text Simplification, Accessibility and Readability.

Research in automatic text simplification (TS) has often focused on proposing the use of methods derived from the deep learning paradigm (Glavaš and Štajner, 2015; Paetzold and Specia, 2016; Nisioi et al., 2017; Zhang and Lapata, 2017; Martin et al., 2020; Maddela et al., 2021; Sheang and Saggion, 2021). Recently, work in text simplification has leveraged the new era of foundational large language models through fine-tuning and prompt-engineering to produce simplifications (Kew et al. 2023; Cripwell et al. 2023; Farajidizaji et al. 2024).

However, there are many important aspects in automatic TS that require the attention of our community: the design of appropriate evaluation metrics (Štajner et al., 2022), the development of context-aware simplification solutions (Yimam et al., 2018; Shardlow et al., 2022a; Saggion et al., 2022), the creation of appropriate language resources to support research and evaluation (Maddela and Xu, 2018; Shardlow et al., 2020; Ferres and Saggion, 2022; North et al., 2022a), the deployment of simplification in real environments for real users (Lee and Yeung, 2018; Alonzo et al., 2022), the study of discourse factors in text simplification (Zhong et al., 2019), the identification of factors affecting the readability of a text (Shardlow et al., 2022b), among others. To overcome those issues, there is a need for collaboration of CL/NLP researchers, machine learning and deep learning researchers, UI/UX and Accessibility professionals, as well as public organisations representatives (Štajner, 2021).

Research on automatic text simplification, textual accessibility, and readability have the potential to improve the social inclusion of marginalized populations (Štajner, 2021; Stodden and Nguyen. 2024). These related research areas have attracted attention in the past ten years, evidenced by the growing number of publications in NLP conferences. While only about 300 articles in Google Scholar mentioned TS in 2010, this number has increased to about 600 in 2015 and greater than 1000 in 2020 (Štajner, 2021). This number has increased rapidly since 2020, at the recent LREC-COLING 2024 conference there were 50 new papers presented on related topics across the main conference and associated workshops.

The TSAR 2024 workshop builds upon the recent success of several regional workshops that covered a subset of our topics of interest, including READI Workshops at LREC 2022 and LREC 2024, SEPLN 2021 Workshop on Current Trends in Text Simplification (CTTS), the SimpleText workshop at CLEF 2021, as well as the birds-of-a-feather events on Text Simplification at NAACL 2021 (over 50 participants), ACL 2022 and EMNLP 2023.

Topics of Interest

Submissions to the workshop will be organised into two tracks, a main track and a special track with a focus on evaluation.

The main track will invite contributions on the following topics, aligned with previous editions of the workshop:
- Lexical simplification;
- Syntactic simplification;
- Discourse simplification;
- Document simplification;
- Modular and end-to-end TS;
- Sequence-to-sequence and zero-shot TS;
- Controllable TS;
- Text complexity assessment;
- Complex word identification and lexical complexity prediction;
- Corpora, lexical resources, and benchmarks for TS;
- Domain specific TS (e.g. health, legal);
- Assistive technologies for readability and comprehension beyond text.
- Other related readability and accessibility topics (e.g. empirical and eye-tracking studies).

The special track will focus on Evaluation of Text Simplification and Readability Systems. Papers in this track will be ranked and assessed separately to those in the main track. Topics include, but are not limited to:
- New evaluation measures and metrics for the assessment of text simplification, accessibility and/or readability;
- Reference based metrics;
- Referenceless metrics;
- Metrics at varying levels of granularity (Document/Paragraph/Sentence/Word/Sub-word);
- Readability based metrics;
- Alignment of new and existing metrics to human judgments;
- The role of LLMs in the evaluation of systems for text simplification, accessibility and/or readability.


We welcome three types of papers: long papers, short papers and demos.
START page:
Long and Short Papers: We adhere to the same guidelines as EMNLP 2024.
Demo Papers: Demos should be no more than two (2) pages, including references, and should describe implemented systems related to the topics of interest of the workshop. It also should include a link to a short screencast of the working software. In addition, authors of demo papers must be willing to present a demo of their system during TSAR 2024.
Submission Instructions: All submissions must be made via the workshop START page (link above). Organisers will not be able to accept submissions made after the workshop deadline, or made via email. All information including the authors lists and affiliations should be finalised prior to submission and will not be modifiable after acceptance. Participants should mark their desired track at submission time (main or special track). The organisers will not be able to move papers between tracks after the end of the submission period.


Paper Submissions: 6th September
Paper Notifications: 20th September
Camera Ready: 4th October