2008 ACL Newsletter

2008 ACL Newsletter

The newsletter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Dear ACL members,

Our annual conference, ACL-08:HLT (Human Language Technologies) is still two months away so let me take the time in this newsletter to send you some updates about ACL. Please contact me at sekrettary [at] org.aclweb (spellcheck and unscramble before writing) by April 30 if you have any suggestions for interesting activities. I will bring them to the ACL exec for discussion.

ACL Video Archive

The ACL Video Archive is a pilot program with the aims of making teaching materials freely available to facilitate scientific communication, and to document history and progress in our field. The initiative has been started in June 2007 at the ACL's 45th Annual Meeting in Prague, with the technical infrastructure currently being built up by volunteers. The archive is available at http://www.aclweb.org/videoarchive.

EMNLP-CoNLL 2007 Call for Papers

Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning

June 28-30, 2007
Prague, Czech Republic

The annual EMNLP and CoNLL conferences will be holding an unprecedented 3-day joint meeting this year. The joint conference will be co-located with ACL 2007 in Prague. We hereby invite submissions.

ACL 2008 Call for Proposals available

The Association for Computational Linguistics hereby invites proposals to host the 46th Meeting of the ACL in summer 2008. The conference is to be in North America, according to the rule of regional rotation of ACL. The meetings of ACL to date have been highly successful, with higher than expected attendance (over 650 attendees at ACL-03 in Sapporo, ACL-04 in Barcelona, and ACL-05 in Ann Arbor). More than 10 workshops and associated conferences were held together with each of the main conferences in 2003, 2004, and 2005.

John Nerbonne inducted into the KNAW

In September 2005, John Nerbonne, former ACL President, was honored through his induction into the Royal Netherlands Academy of Science (KNAW).

The Academy has a maximum of 200 regular members under the age of 65. Beside regular members the Academy has resting members (regular members above the age of 65), foreign members and correspondents. Those eligible for membership are active scientists with an excellent scientific record. Members are appointed for life by the Divisions.

IJCNLP 2013: The 6th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing

The International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP) was initiated in 2004 by The Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing (AFNLP) Associations with the major goal to provide a platform for researchers and professionals from around the world to share their experiences related to natural language processing and computational linguistics. In the past years, IJCNLPs were held in 5 different places: Hainan Island (2004), Jeju Island (2005), Hyderabad (2008), Singapore (2009), and Chiang Mai (2011).


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