2015Q3 Reports: SIGSEM

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The SIGSEM board

The current board is composed of:

  • Johan Bos (President);
  • Katrin Erk (Secretary);
  • Marco Baroni (Information Officer);
  • Gemma Boleda (Information Officer);
  • Alexander Koller (Information Officer);
  • Matthew Purver (Information Officer).

Some of contact addresses have changed -- please look here for the latest updates.

Past and Future Elections

The last elections were held in October 2013, as planned. Three new information officiers joined the board. The next elections are planned for 2016.


The current SIGSEM membership counts 877 members. We have started cleaning up the database with members, by removing registered members whose email addresses aren't valid anymore after a couple of email bounces, of people who we can't reach otherwise. There is an active, moderated mailinglist. Our website, SIGSEM, is wiki-based and is regularly updated by SIGSEM's information officers.

Major SIGSEM Events: IWCS and *SEM

IWCS-2015 took place at Queen Mary University of London. The main conference was held Wednesday 15th to Friday 17th April, with a day of workshops on Tuesday 14th, and a hackathon on the previous weekend 11-12th. There were 22 long papers (36% of the submissions received) and 12 short papers (72%). The next IWCS is planned for 2017.

The *SEM events are jointly organized by SIGSEM and SIGLEX. *SEM-2014 took place in Dublin, collocated with COLING (overall acceptance rate 24%). *SEM-2015 took place in Denver, Colorado, collocated with NAACL (98 submissions, overall acceptance rate including posters 37%).

Endorsed events in 2014

  • WASSA-2014: 5th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment & Social Media Analysis. Baltimore, June 27, 2014
  • NLCS 2014: Second Workshop on Natural Language and Computer Science. Vienna, July 17-18 2014
  • *SEM 2014: Third Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics. Dublin, August 23-24 2014