2019Q1 Reports: EACL
Financial Report
31-Dec-2017: 8,293 INCOME (from EACL2017 Valencia): 12,233 (Also see note below on income from ACL/EACL Berlin 2016) EXPENSES Sponsorships ESSLII -8,250 Bank charges -8 31-Dec-2018: 12,268
Claudia Borg 18.02.2019
Note: EACL is still expecting to receive a large surplus from the Berlin conference but again it has not been transferred to the European account. We expect this transfer to be around USD 50k, accounting for ACL's plans to set aside a large portion of the Berlin surplus to establish a European fund to hedge against future currency fluctuations. We hope that these plans and the transfer of funds can be completed by ACL soon.
- We have approved a sponsorship of EUR 8500 to ESSLI to fund around 15-20 students with grants of EUR 350-550 each.
- Reorganization of the website. The student board of EACL, with help from the EACL board, has nearly completed the new version of the EACL website which will be more modern, better updated, and better integrated with social media. This took longer than expected but we hope to launch the new website within the next few weeks.
- As the size of the EACL conference has grown, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find potential venues and hosts willing to provide the local organization. We plan to investigate ways to improve this in the future, including alternatives to the traditional bidding and organization model.
EACL 2021 Conference:
- The Board has progressed two draft bids to the final bidding stage, with final bids due at the end of March.
EACL Board:
- The EACL board elected a new student board member, Madhumita Sushil (University of Antwerp, Belgium) to replace Uxoa Iñurrieta. We thank Uxoa for her service and Madhumita for her willingness to help EACL.
- Claudia Borg (University of Malta) has now taken over from Mike Rosner as treasurer, with Mike advising as past treasurer.
EACL Officers as of 1 March 2019:
Chair: Sharon Goldwater (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Chair-elect: Shuly Wintner (University of Haifa, Israel)
Secretary: Lucia Specia (Imperial College and University of Sheffield, UK)
Treasurer: Claudia Borg (University of Malta)
Past Treasurer: Mike Rosner (University of Malta)
Advisory Board:
- Angeliki Lazaridou (DeepMind, UK)
- Barbara Plank IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Preslav Nakov (QCRI, Qatar)
- Ivan Titov (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Nominating Committee:
- Walter Daelemans (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
- Iryna Gurevych (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
- Lluís Màrquez (Amazon)
- Caroline Sporleder (GCDH, Göttingen)
Student Board:
- Fernando Alva-Manchego (University of Sheffield, UK)
- Michael Schlichtkrull (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- Madhumita Sushil (University of Antwerp, Belgium)