2021Q3 Reports: Publicity Director

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1. Social media streamlining. No update. New persistent Twitter accounts for 2020/2021 are: EMNLP (@emnlpmeeting) and AACL (@aaclmeeting).

2. Survey on NLP groups and networks. We carried out a survey (Jan-April 2021) via ACL's office form, to collect information on local and national NLP groups and mailing lists. The result (122 respondants) will be presented at the business meeting and published in the publicity handbook.

3. Handbook. For the latest updates (timelines etc), see the [2021 Q1](https://www.aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2021Q1_Reports:_Publicity_Director).

4. Workshop announcements. Workshops at *ACL conferences go through a joint call for proposal. As far as we know there was no process to streamline the announcement of all accepted workshops. Moreover, not all conference chairs may be recruited yet at the point when workshops are allocated, so e.g., websites might not be up-to-date yet (or even exist). To allow for an early overview of all accepted *ACL workshops, we collected the accepted workshops from all the corresponding workshop chairs and helped to publicize this information through email/social media channels.

We suggest that the future publicity director and deputy are in charge of publishing workshop announcements in collaboration with future *ACL workshop chairs.

5. Two items are still on hold: a launch of an ACL blog post together with the new ACL website; this is delayed. The organization of a workshop on publicity and how to present research at ACL (currently postponed due to preference for an on-site event).

6. Overview of Social Media presence and number of members. We observe a steady increase in followers/members, except for Instagram (which is only used during on-site conferences and was active last time in 2019).

Current follower/member status:

  • July 8, 2021: Twitter (@aclmeeting: 9,336), Facebook (552), LinkedIn members (645), Instagram (449).
  • July 3, 2020: Twitter (@aclmeeting: 4,305), Facebook (332), LinkedIn members (278), Instagram (485).

ACL Publicity Director report by Barbara Plank (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark, director) and deputy Sarvnaz Karimi (CSIRO, Australia, deputy)