2024Q1 Reports
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- 2024Q1 Agenda - Agenda for the 2024Q1 teleconference
- 2024Q1 Reports: Office - Jenn Rachford
- 2024Q1 Reports: Secretary - Shiqi Zhao
- 2024Q1 Reports: Treasurer - David Yarowsky
- 2024Q1 Reports: Member at-large - EMEA - Vera Demberg
- 2024Q1 Reports: Member at-large - Asia/Pacific - Yuki Arase
- 2024Q1 Reports: Member at-large - Americas - Mohit Bansal
- 2024Q1 Reports: EACL - Roberto Basili
- 2024Q1 Reports: NAACL - Graham Neubig
- 2024Q1 Reports: AACL - Jian Su
- 2024Q1 Reports: ACL 2024 - Iryna Gurevych
- 2024Q1 Reports: ACL 2025 - Emily M. Bender
- 2024Q1 Reports: ACL 2026 - Chengqing Zong
- 2024Q1 Reports: ACL 2027 - Barbara Plank
- 2024Q1 Reports: CL Journal - Hwee Tou Ng
- 2024Q1 Reports: Information Director - Nitin Madnani
- 2024Q1 Reports: TACL Journal - Asli Celikyilmaz & Roi Reichart
- 2024Q1 Reports: Anthology Director - Matt Post
- 2024Q1 Reports: Publicity Director - Sarvnaz Karimi
- 2024Q1 Reports: PCC - Donia Scott & Daniel Bikel
- 2024Q1 Reports: Equity Director - Lu Wang
- 2024Q1 Reports: Sponsorship Director- Chris Callison-Burch
- 2024Q1 Reports: Ethics Committee Co-chairs- Min-Yen Kan, Karën Fort, Yulia Tsvetkov