2024Q3 Minutes

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topic 1: ARR support requirements & general update of ARR

The exec will vote on the following resolutions: (1) ARR EiCs as ARR Guest PCs, (2) Conference registration waivers, (3) Invitation to thank you dinner, and (4) Total of the annual investment request for infrastructure support for the next two years 01.09.2024-31.08.2026.

topic 2: Conference pricing

  1. Add industry rate to the following *ACL conferences. Will need a volunteer to look through the list of affiliations + countries from ACL2024, so as to determine the definition of “industry”. Will also look to definitions of other communities, e.g., ICML and NeurlPS.
  2. Need a point person (who is consistent and across the year) to answer Megan’s questions on conference pricing and would also be in touch with Exec/others to gather and document answers. The Exec will vote on this and recruit the person.

topic 3: Matters related to CL and beyond

  1. Matters related to CL: (1) Explore how to share infrastructure between TACL and CL; (2) Publicity: physical mail probably not great, but use email, social media (talk to publicity chair), use topic modeling to figure out who to advertise papers to; (3) Next CL EIC should overlap for at least one year with Wei.
  2. CL PhD thesis award: (1) For authorship of resulting publication, list of authors should follow ACL policy on authorship, as given in these two policies: "Authorship Changes Policy for ACL Conference Papers" and "ACL Policy on Publication Ethics". (2) ELLIS and FoLLI both do dissertation awards -- look to how their committees are structured. (3) Look at how best paper committees structure. (4 ) Suggestion: Window of two years starting a submission, one chance to submit. (5) Goal is raising visibility of the journal, so good to get going soon if possible.

topic 4: Discussing issues raised in committee/chair reports

  1. MIT Press increase request: (1) look at the delta for a few sample papers, (2) ask for better marketing.
  2. Anthology director: Communication from Ryan with knowledge about publication chair processes, got dropped. Iryna will forward communication from last year.
  3. Sponsorship director: (1) Need overlapping term. Confirm when in 2026 CCB’s term ends. (2) Budget for admin assistance for next sponsorship director. Ask if Lily might continue, even when Chris’s term ends.
  4. Ethics chairs: Ethics chairs suggest having the ethics tutorial at every ACL event for which it is staffable (communicate with tutorials chairs). The committee suggested also exploring options such as a one-hour event at the conference and/or longer online events.
  5. ACL2024 GC: (1) There are two online sets of guidelines (github, wiki) but github is not complete. Yuki will look into this and update (Yuki). (2) GC has two fundamental roles: Recruiting team, and Managing team & making sure balls are not being dropped. Need JD for the GC position, plus on-boarding discussion. (3) Github project is meant to be a living document. Need clear procedure for how people can contribute.