2024Q3 Reports: SIGSEM

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SIGSEM annual report to ACL for 2023-2024

Sina Zarrieß, SIGSEM President

SIGSEM is the ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Semantics. More information about SIGSEM can be found on our website: www.sigsem.org. Users can also become members from the website; members are added to a low-volume, moderated mailing list (mainly conference and job announcements). SIGSEM is fully compliant with ACL guidelines for SIGs and currently has 878 members.

Our most recent regular election was held in 2022, and Sina Zarrieß (President), Stergios Chatzikyriakidis (Secretary), Tushar Khot, and Sandro Pezzelle (Information Officers) were elected.

SIGSEM holds a bi-annual international conference on computational semantics (IWCS). The last IWCS was held in Nancy in 2023 and the next IWCS will be held in 2025 (the venue is to be determined).

SIGSEM also endorses other semantics-related workshops and events that are open to the general community. In 2024 we received an endorsement request from SemDial 2024 - TrentoLogue and decided to accept it.