14th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology

Event Notification Type: 
Call for Papers
Abbreviated Title: 
SST 2012
Macquarie University
Monday, 3 December 2012 to Thursday, 6 December 2012
Contact Email: 
Ivan Yuen ivan.yuen@mq.edu.au
Submission Deadline: 
Tuesday, 1 May 2012

14th Australasian International Conference on
Speech Science and Technology (SST) 2012

December 3-6, 2012

Macquarie University

Welcome to sunny Sydney!

We are pleased to announce that Macquarie University will host SST 2012. In the spirit of interdisciplinary tradition, we invite you to take part in this exciting event to foster collaboration among speech scientists, engineers, psycholinguists, audiologists, linguists, speech/language pathologists and industrial partners. The conference will also host workshops on speech perception and production.

Topics include:

Acoustic phonetics, Audiology, Clinical phonetics, Emotional speech and voice, Forensic phonetics, L1/L2 acquisition (production/ perception), Pedagogical technologies for speech and singing, Phonetics and phonology of Australasian languages, Sociophonetics, Speech engineering/ modelling, Speech production/ perception, Speech prosody, Speech science and technology applications, Speech synthesis/ recognition.

Invited speakers:

Anne Cutler (MPI Nijmegen, MARCS UWS)
Janet Fletcher (University of Melbourne)
Jim Patrick (Cochlear)
James Scobbie (Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh)
Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel (MIT)

Organising Committee: Co-chairs: Felicity Cox, Katherine Demuth
Joanne Arciuli , Denis Burnham, Karen Croot, Susan Lin, Robert Mannell, Catherine McMahon, Sallyanne Palethorpe, Jason Shaw, Kimiko Tsukada, Ivan Yuen

For more information contact Ivan Yuen ivan.yuen@mq.edu.au

4-page paper submission deadline
01 May 2012