2nd Workshop on Social Influence in Conversations (SICon 2024)

Event Notification Type: 
Call for Papers
Co-located with EMNLP 2024
Submission Deadline: 
Thursday, 15 August 2024

****** First Call for Papers ******

SICon 2024: 2nd Workshop on Social Influence in Conversations
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/sicon2024/home
Twitter: @SIConWorkshop
Paper Submission via Openreview: https://openreview.net/group?id=EMNLP/2024/Workshop/SiCon
Contact: sicon-chairs [at] googlegroups.com
Venue: Co-located with EMNLP 2024; November 15 or 16, 2024; Miami, Florida

*** Workshop description ***

Social influence (SI) is the change in an individual's thoughts, feelings, attitudes, or behaviors from interacting with another individual or a group. For example, a buyer uses SI skills to negotiate trade-offs and build rapport with the seller. SI is ubiquitous in everyday life, and hence, realistic human-machine conversations must reflect these dynamics, making it essential to model and understand SI in dialogue research systematically. This would improve SI systems' ability to understand users’ utterances, tailor communication strategies, personalize responses, and actively lead conversations. These challenges draw on perspectives not only from NLP and AI research but also from Game Theory, Affective Computing, Communication, and Social Psychology.
SICon 2024 will be the second edition of a venue that uniquely fosters a dedicated discussion on social influence within NLP while involving researchers from other disciplines such as affective computing and the social sciences. SICon 2024 features keynote talks, panel discussions, poster sessions, and lightning talks for accepted papers. We encourage researchers of all stages and backgrounds to share their exciting work!
SICon will promote discussion around several key questions:

* How should social influence systems model users and plan optimal responses systematically?
* How can social influence systems benefit from linguistic theories (e.g.,successful persuasion or negotiation tactics) developed in the social sciences?
* What structurally differentiates and unites various social influence tasks?
* What are the ethical issues involved with AI that engage in social influence and what guardrails must be implemented before using these systems in the wild?

*** Submission Guidelines ***

SICon welcomes two types of papers: regular workshop submissions and shared task submissions (more information about the shared task will be announced at a later date).

Regular workshop submissions are archival short (4 pages) and long (8 pages) papers. There is also a non-archival track for extended abstracts (2 pages) covering ongoing work on social influence NLP. Topics include, but are not limited to:

* Analysis-focused contributions (e.g., associations between linguistic behaviors or user attributes with SI task outcomes);
* System design contributions (e.g., dialogue systems for SI tasks such as strategic games, emotional support, etc.; SI systems effectively harnessing the capabilities of LLMs);
* Contributions advancing relevant subgoals in SI tasks (e.g. detecting SI strategies in text, partner/opponent modeling and emotion recognition in SI interactions);
* SI systems benefited from linguistic theories (e.g., successful persuasion, negotiation tactics) developed in social science;
* Ethical issues and guardrails involved with AI that engage in SI;
* Unintentional aspects of SI for any human-facing NLP system;
* Datasets capturing forms of SI;
* Opinion or position papers on SI.

Submissions should follow the official EMNLP 2024 style guidelines and be submitted through OpenReview: https://openreview.net/group?id=EMNLP/2024/Workshop/SiCon

*** Important Dates ***

Direct paper submission deadline: August 15, 2024
Notification of acceptance: October 1, 2024
Camera-ready paper due: October 8, 2024
Workshop: November 15 or 16, 2024

(All submission deadlines are 11:59 p.m. UTC-12:00, "anywhere on Earth")

*** Contact ***

For any questions, please contact the organizers at: sicon-chairs [at] googlegroups.com

And consider joining our slack community! A dedicated space to connect researchers working on various topics related to social influence in NLP and beyond, as well as a useful communication channel for live announcements during the workshop: https://join.slack.com/t/acl2023sicon/shared_invite/zt-1y7cv1c2v-Lm21Sm6...

*** Organizers ***

Muskan Garg (Mayo Clinic)
Kushal Chawla (Capital One)
Weiyan Shi (Stanford NLP)
Ritam Dutt (Carnegie Mellon University)
Deuksin Kwon (University of Southern California)
James Hale (University of Southern California)
Liang Qiu (Amazon)
Aina Garí Soler (Télécom-Paris)
Alexandros Papangelis (Amazon Alexa AI)
Gale Lucas (University of Southern California)
Zhou Yu (Columbia University)
Daniel Hershcovich (University of Copenhagen)