Announcement of Candidates for ACL Executive Committee

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Dear ACL members,

The Nominating Committee has chosen the following candidates for positions on the ACL Executive Committee (starting January 1, 2025):

- Luke Zettlemoyer, University of Washington
- Barbara Di Eugenio, University of Illinois at Chicago

Member at-large:
- Smaranda Muresan, Columbia University
- Mohit Iyyer, UMass Amherst

- Zeerak Talat, Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence
- Yang Feng, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Additional nominations may be submitted until September 30, 2024). For an additional nomination to be valid, it needs to come from two or more ACL members.

Nominations should be sent to Shiqi Zhao (secretary [at] The nominee should indicate via email that he or she accepts the nomination.

Each nominee should be prepared to submit the following: (a) name and affiliation, (b) a short biographical sketch, (c) a personal home page URL, and (d) a brief candidate statement. Instructions will be given in due time.

In the spirit of triennial rotation across its three regions (Europe/Middle-East/Africa, Asia-Pacific, North America/South America), the ACL Executive Committee encourages any additional nominations to be from the same regions as the candidates proposed by the Nominating Committee. The ACL Executive Committee also wants to promote equality and diversity in the nominations.

Please note that ACL officers are normally not allowed to simultaneously hold major conference chair positions, such as General Chair and Program Co-Chair. In borderline cases or if you are uncertain about the eligibility of a candidate in general, please consult the ACL Executive Committee.

In early October, the final list of candidate names and statements will appear on the ACL web site and the thirty-day voting period will begin.

Please contact me with any questions, concerns, or recommendations.

Shiqi Zhao
ACL Secretary