BioASQ Task 2b (Biomedical QA, IR, summarization, ...)

Event Notification Type: 
Call for Participation
Abbreviated Title: 
BioASQ Task 2b
Wednesday, 5 March 2014 to Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Ion Androutsopoulos
George Paliouras

BioASQ challenge on large-scale biomedical semantic indexing
and question answering (part of the CLEF 2014 QA track to
take place in Sheffield, UK, 15-18 September, 2014)

Web site:
CLEF-QA site:

We are happy to announce that the first test for BioASQ Task 2b
(biomedical semantic QA) will take place in a few days!

If you are interested in any of the following areas:

* Question answering from unstructured and structured data
* Single and multi-document summarization
* Information retrieval and passage retrieval
* Semantic indexing, semantic similarity and reasoning
* Machine learning, classification, learning to rank
* Named-entity recognition and disambiguation
* Information extraction, fact checking, relation extraction
* Textual entailment
* Natural-language generation

then you may want to participate in BioASQ Task 2b.
More information at
See also the areas of expertise cloud at

Important dates:
You can join Task 2b on ANY of the following dates:
- March 05, 2014
- March 19, 2014
- April 02, 2014
- April 16, 2014
- April 30, 2014.

Additionally, we would like to remind you that BioASQ Task 2a
(large-scale biomedical semantic indexing) is running a new test every

If you are interested in any of the following areas:

* Large-scale and hierarchical classification
* Machine learning
* Semantic Indexing, semantic similarity

then you may want to participate in BioASQ Task 2a.
More information at

Detailed schedule at

Training data for both tasks available at


The BioASQ challenge and workshop are organised by the BioASQ project,
supported by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme
(Grant Agreement No. 318652).