Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century 2024

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Abbreviated Title: 
G21C 2024
Università Ca' Foscari
Yannis Haralambous
Sveva Elti di Rodeano


October 23rd, 2024


Annick Payne (Ca' Foscari University, Venice). Classifiers in the Anatolian Hieroglyphic Script

ABSTRACT: This paper adresses the system of classification in the Anatolian Hieroglyphic script (ca. 1500-700 BCE), a mixed logo-phonetic writing system which uses both semantic and phonetic classifiers. The paper will give an overview of the script's structures, and discuss current research. Classifiers are an important source for approaching cognitive categories of original script user. Given the pictorial character of Anatolian Hieroglyphic, they can be activated on different levels, as signs of writing and to transport additional meaning through their iconicity.


Bennett Bacon (Independent); Dan Harbour (QMUL); Sara Hockett (Boston University); Andrew Nevins (UCL). Earliest traces of protowriting: A bipartite, compositional sign in the Magdalenian Upper Palaeolithic

Kaveh Ashourinia (OCAD University). Typographical revival of Proto-Elamite script

Perri Antonio (Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa - Napoli); Luciano Perondi (IUAV, Venice); Daniele Capo (Sapienza University, Rome). Rethinking Unicode: how to digitally encode non-linear written artefacts? A tentative encoding of Codex Mendoza, folio 2r

Sina Fakour (ANRT - American University of Beirut). Reviving Linear Elamite (2300-1880 BCE), The oldest known phonetic writing system.

Alexandre Solcà (ARLS); Francesco Perono Cacciafoco (Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University). Clusters and syllabo-logographical-classification models in Linear A/B tablets: lexical and visual analogies for a more comprehensive study of their properties and advanced Bronze Age trading-diplomatical correspondences.

Duoduo Xu (Jiangsu Normal University). Glyph Families in Dongba Script

Vasanta Duggirala (Retired Prof Osmania University, Hyderabad); Raju Surampudi Bapi (International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad); Soham G. Korade (IIIT Hyderabad). Graphic Complexity and Orthographic Neighbors: Observations based on Telugu Writing System

Saiya L. Karamali (University of Washington). The Developing Orthographic Conventions of Roman Hindi-Urdu

Jan Kučera (Charles University). Tamil Orthography Reforms

David A. Roberts (SIL International). Multilinear featurality in Roman script African orthographies

Dan Harbour (QMUL). Allo-, allo-, ALLO: Allography/allomorphy parallels and writing systems as Autonomous Language-Like Objects: An Ethiopic case study

Behnoosh Namdarzadeh (Université Paris Cité); Nicolas Ballier (Université Paris Cité). Audio LLM subtokens as encapsulated knowledge: the case of Persian subtoken graphemic representations in Whisper

Ariq Syauqi (Atelier National de Recherche Typographique). Southern Sumatran Scripts: The Transformation from 14th Century to Present

Paul D. Ueda (The Ohio State University). Characters, Romanization, and Anti-Colonialism: Historical Development of Taigi and Vietnamese

Tomi S. Melka (Independent); Robert Schoch (Boston University). The Persistence of the Grapholinguistic Rongorongo Tradition on Rapa Nui (Easter Island) during the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries

Gordon G. Berthin (University of Toronto); Robert Schoch (Boston University). The Antiquity and Timeframe of the Rongorongo Script on Rapa Nui (Easter Island)

Robert Schoch (Boston University); Tomi S. Melka (Independent). Towards a Comprehensive Grapholinguistic Analysis of the Rongorongo Phenomenon of Rapa Nui (Easter Island): Suggestions Regarding a Reorganization of the Core and Extended Rongorongo Corpus


October 24th, 2024


Camille Circlude (Bye Bye Binary collective and École de recherche graphique, Brussels). Post-binary typography for a debinarised future

ABSTRACT: Camille Circlude details the emergence of inclusive, non-binary, and post-binary typography, which, in the wave of inclusive writing, seeks to fight the gendered nature of the French language. Typography is seen as an emancipating technology that enables us to resist hegemony and embrace the hybridity of forms materializing queer, non-binary, genderfluid, agender, and genderfuck existences in the shared and symbolic spaces of language and writing. Exploring the possibilities of a post-binary future, the talk will look at the questions and issues raised by these new typographic forms in terms of their legibility, oralisation, and digital pollination.

Donald E. Knuth (Stanford University, Palo Alto). The Grapholinguistic Model of TeX (interview) and An “All Questions Answered” Session

ABSTRACT: Rather than giving a canned lecture, the speaker much prefers to let the audience choose the topics, and for all questions to be kept a secret from him until the lecture is actually in progress. (He believes that people often learn more from answers that are spontaneously fumbled than from responses that are carefully preplanned.) Questions related to grapholinguistics will naturally be quite welcome, but questions on any subject whatsoever will not be ducked! He'll try to answer them all as best he can, without spending a great deal of time on any one topic, unless there is special interest to go into more depth.


Janet Davey (Australian National University). Beyond the alphabet, beyond the binary, maybe beyond “Chinese”? Exploring the emergence of gender-inclusive Chinese pronouns

Amalia E. Gnanadesikan (University of Maryland). Mind the Gap: Spaces and Boundaries in Spoken and Written Language

Dimitrios Meletis (University of Vienna). Types of iconicity in phonographic writing systems

Philippa M. Steele (University of Cambridge). Thoughts on the visual-cultural fit of writing systems, and its intersections with linguistic fit

David L. Share (University of Haifa). Blueprint for a Universal Theory of Learning to Read: Insights from Psycholinguistics and Grapholinguistics

Terry Joyce (Tama University, School of Global Studies). Some tentative musings on the nature of morphography

Florian Coulmas (Universität Duisburg-Essen). The Linguistic Landscape: What we can learn from it

Aliia Ismagilova (Kazan Federal University, University of Cadiz). The linguistic landscape of Spain as a reflection of sociocultural processes

Jonas Romstadt (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn). Looking for the crucial point(s) - Forms and functions of punctuation units in handwritten German school exams

Yannis Haralambous (IMT Atlantique). Masoretic Graphemics and Graphetics: Challenges and Solutions

Avelino Corral Esteban (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). The process of graphization of the Scottish Gaelic language and the accuracy and effectiveness of the spelling reforms for its preservation and revitalization

Tilly Guthrie (University of Sheffield). Haptolinguistics? The multiscriptal requirements of blindness before the standardisation of Braille in Britain, c.1820-1905

Claire Danet (ESAD Amiens); Léa Chevrefils (ESAD Amiens); Claudia S. Bianchini (Université de Poitiers); Morgane Rébulard (ESAD Amiens); Adrien Contesse (ESAD Amiens); Chloé Thomas (Université de Rouen Normandie); Patrick Doan (ESAD Amiens). Describing movement in Sign Language: from body multilinearity to transcription linearity


October 25th, 2024


James Myers (National Chung Cheng University). Synchronic and diachronic ordering in Chinese character form patterns

Keisuke Honda (Dublin City University). Rōmaji for romanisation and beyond: A non-phonemic adaptation of the Latin script

Noah Hermalin (University of California Berkeley). The Efficiency of Spelling-Sound and Speling-Meaning Mappings in Two Logographic Writing Systems

Helen Magowan (University of Cambridge). Towards reading in four dimensions

Arvind Iyengar (University of New England). Braille as writing: Evidence and lessons for grapholinguistic theory

Dennis Reisloh (Ruhr University Bochum); Tatjana Scheffler (Ruhr University Bochum). On the linguistic status of emojis

Lieke Verheijen (Radboud University). Orthographic and Visual Alignment in Online Writing: Language Style Accommodation with Textisms, Emoji, and Emoticons

Michael Filhol (CNRS). AZVD as a Sign Language writing system proxy, and the potential evolution

Claudia S. Bianchini (Université de Poitiers); Ludovic Saint-Bauzel (Sorbonne Université). Transcribing the body as we transcribe the voice: towards an automatic transcription of sign language and co-speech gestures

Santhosh Thottingal (Swathanthra Malayalam Computing). Parametric type design in the era of variable and color fonts

Fabian Strobel (Heidelberg NLP Group) and Isabella Maurizio (University of Turin). From Graphemes to Phonemes to Graphemes: Using Hexapla Secunda for Reconstruction

Titus Nemeth (Wiener Schriften); Martin Tiefenthaler (idiidiiidesign). Prima - An innovative type, designed for learning to read and write

Hector Mangas Afonso (Typotheque). Enhancing Distance Reading for Low Vision: A Reading Acuity Experiment on Letter Width

Mary C. Dyson (University of Reading); David Březina (Rosetta Type Foundry). Do we process characters as shapes, nothing special?

Joseph Dichy (Canadian University of Dubai). Written languages and the Mental Lexicon: a crucial aspect of grapholinguistics, exemplified by agglutinative word-form recognition in Arabic and Biblical Hebrew

Spyros Armostis (University of Cyprus); Marilena Karyolemou (University of Cyprus). Creating a writing system for an endangered language: the graphisation of Cypriot Arabic

Yasmin Shalhoub-Awwad (University of Haifa); Rana Yassin (University of Haifa). The universal and the unique in beginning spelling: The case of Arabic

Guy Boursier (Université de Lorraine). Why the abjad suits the Arabs

Adeli V. Block (University of Michigan). Inscribing Multilingualism: Lifemaps and “Trans-scripting” Among Moroccan Amazigh Youth


Registration fee is 160€ for on site participation and 40€ for online participation.

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