Deadline extension: New Deadline October 3, 2024, 23:59 Anywhere on Earth
Joint Call for Workshops Proposals (ACL/NAACL/EMNLP) 2025
The Association for Computational Linguistics, the European Language Resource Association and International Committee on Computational Linguistics invites proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with ACL 2025, NAACL 2025, or EMNLP 2025. We solicit proposals in all areas of computational linguistics, broadly conceived to include related disciplines such as linguistics, speech, information retrieval, and multimodal processing.
Workshops will be held at one of the following conference venues:
- NAACL 2025 (The 2025 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics), which will be a hybrid conference, and physically held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA from April 29 - May 4, 2025
- ACL 2025 (The 63rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics) which will be held as a hybrid conference, and physically held in Vienna, Austria from July 27 - August 1, 2025
- EMNLP 2025 (The 2025 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing) which will be held as a hybrid conference, with the physical location and dates to be confirmed.
The workshop and tutorial co-chairs will work together to assign workshops to the four conferences. They will take into account location preferences and technical constraints provided by the workshop proposers.
Important Dates
NAACL/ACL/EMNLP 2025 shared dates:
- Proposal submission deadline:
October 1, 2024October 3, 2024 - Notification of acceptance: October 23, 2024
All deadlines are 11:59PM UTC-12:00 (“anywhere on Earth”).
Submission Information
Proposals should be submitted as PDF documents. Note that submissions should be ready to be turned into a Call for Papers to the workshop within one week of notification.
The proposals should be at most two pages for the main proposal and at most two additional pages for information about the organizers, program committee, and references. Thus, the whole proposal should not be more than four pages long. Please use the LaTeX template for your submission.
The two pages for the main proposal must include:
- A title, short name / acronym, and a brief description of the workshop topic and content.
- A list of invited speakers, if applicable, with an indication of which ones have already agreed and which are indicative, and sources of funding for the speakers.
- Some conferences might take place only or partially virtually. We request submissions to contain a brief discussion on measures planned to make sure a workshop is successful and productive in case of a hybrid or virtual-only attendance.
- (Optional) A description of any shared tasks associated with the workshop, and estimate of the number of participants. Having a shared task is optional.
- A description of special requirements and technical needs.
- The preferred venue(s) (ACL / NAACL / EMNLP), if any, and description of any constraints (e.g., if the workshop is compatible with only one of these events, logistically, thematically or otherwise, or if the workshop cannot be held at a venue for logistical reasons). While we will do our best to adhere to these preferences, we cannot guarantee that preferences will be satisfied.
- Diversity and Inclusion Efforts (see more details below)
- If the workshop has been held before, a note specifying where previous workshops were held, how many submissions the workshop received and how many papers were accepted (also specify if they were not regular papers, e.g., shared task system description papers), and an estimate of how many in-person posters the workshop attracted.
The submission form will request information that does not factor into the decision process, but are necessary for logistical reasons:
- An estimate of the number of attendees maximum at one given time
- Number of estimated in-person posters
- Preferred Venue (first and second preference)
- Duration of the workshop (1-day / 2-day workshop)
Note that the only financial support available to workshops is a single free workshop registration for an invited speaker. The workshop organizers must bear all other costs independently, including registration for more than one invited speaker.
The two pages for information about organizers, program committee, and references must include:
- The names, affiliations, and email addresses of the organizers, with a brief statement (2-5 sentences) of their research interests, areas of expertise, and experience in organizing workshops and related events.
- A list of Program Committee members, with an indication of which members have already agreed. Organizers should do their best to estimate the number of submissions (especially for recurring workshops) in order to (a) ensure a sufficient number of reviewers so that each paper receives 3 reviews, and (b) anticipate that no one is committed to reviewing more than 3 papers. This practice is likely to ensure on-time and thoughtful reviews.
- An indication whether the workshop will consider papers submitted through ACL Rolling Review (ARR); use OpenReview as a platform (both to take papers from ARR and for their own review); or whether the workshop will only use START as a platform, and will not use ARR. In making this choice, please pay careful attention to the ARR deadlines and conference notifications.
- References
All workshop organizers will additionally be required to agree to the policy on non-compliant ACL workshops, a failure for any of the workshop organizers to agree to this policy will result in a desk rejection of the workshop proposal.
Submission is electronic at the following link:
The workshop proposals will be evaluated according to their originality and impact, and the quality of the organizing team and Programme Committee.
Diversity and Inclusion
The proposals should describe the ways in which the workshop will support diversity in NLP. We suggest organizers consider the following points, while developing the proposal:
- Contribution to academic diversity: The proposals could explain how the subject matter of the workshop will contribute to the diversity of the field, e.g. use of multilingual data, indications of how the described methods scale up to various languages or domains, accessibility of resources, supporting underrepresented communities of NLP and so on.
- Diversifying representation: Following the WiNLP initiative, we recognize the current problems of demographic imbalance in the field. Therefore, we particularly encourage submissions including members of under-represented groups in computational linguistics. The proposals should describe how their selection of invited speakers, panelists, organizers, and program committee promotes diverse representation (for example, considering underrepresented demographics based on gender, ethnicity, nationality, and so on). We also suggest including speakers and panelists, who have not appeared as a keynote speaker or panelist in recent conferences.
- Diversifying participation: The proposals could describe how the call-for-papers and outreach will encourage people from marginalized groups to attend and submit to the workshop. Some examples include providing mentoring, subsidies, coordinating with affinity groups, diversifying the selection of papers and so on.
Organizer Responsibilities
The organizers of the accepted proposals will be responsible for publicizing and running the workshop, including reviewing submissions, producing the camera-ready workshop proceedings, organizing the meeting days, and playing their part to ensure that all participants are aware of ACL’s anti-harassment policy. It is crucial that organizers commit to all deadlines. In particular, failure to produce the camera-ready proceedings on time will lead to the exclusion of the workshop from the unified proceedings and author indexes. Workshop organizers cannot accept submissions for publication that will be (or have been) published elsewhere, although they are free to set their own policies on simultaneous submission and review. However, it is worth noting that workshops may also accept non-archival submissions, such as findings papers, for presentation, which are allowed in this case. Since the conferences will occur at different times, the timelines for the submission and reviewing of workshop papers, and the preparation of camera-ready copies, will be different for each conference. Suggested timelines for each of the conferences are given below. The workshop organizers are free to deviate from the proposed schedule for all dates that are not marked as inflexible, though changes should be made in consultation with the relevant workshop chairs.
In submitting a proposal, workshop chairs will be asked to agree to the workshop non-compliance policy. All workshops must agree to this policy, which states that egregious cases of not living up to the responsibilities of running a workshop will be penalized by a 1-year ban on the organizers from submitting another workshop proposal. Workshop proposals for which all authors do not agree to this policy will be desk rejected.
The ACL has a set of policies on workshops. You can find the ACL’s general policies on workshops, the financial policy for workshops, and the financial policy for SIG workshops in the Conference Handbook.
Workshop Timelines
- First call for workshop papers: October 30, 2024
- Second call for workshop papers: November 25, 2024
- Third call for papers: January 15, 2025
- Submission deadline: January 30, 2025
- Pre-reviewed (ARR) submission deadline: February 20, 2025
- Notification of acceptance: March 1, 2025
- Camera-ready paper due: March 10, 2025
- Proceedings due (hard deadline): April 1, 2025
- Pre-recorded video due (hard deadline): April 8, 2025
- Workshop dates: May 3-4, 2025
- First call for workshop papers: December 18, 2024 (To be confirmed)
- Second call for workshop papers: January 24, 2025 (To be confirmed)
- Third call for workshop papers: February 24, 2025 (To be confirmed)
- Direct paper submission deadline: March 1, 2025 (To be confirmed)
- Pre-reviewed ARR commitment deadline: March 25, 2025 (To be confirmed)
- Notification of acceptance: April 3, 2025 (To be confirmed)
- Camera-ready paper due: May 2, 2025 (To be confirmed)
- Proceedings due (hard deadline): June 30, 2025
- Pre-recorded video due (hard deadline): July 7, 2025
- Workshop dates: July 31st - August 1st 2025
Workshop Chairs
- Terra Blevins, University of Vienna
- Christophe Gravier, Université Jean Monnet, France
- Saab Mansour, Amazon
- Kenton Murray, Johns Hopkins University
- Alexis Palmer, University of Colorado Boulder