The  Special  Interest  Group  on  Dialogue  and  Discourse -- Second Call for Special Sessions

Event Notification Type: 
Abbreviated Title: 
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
PDF icon Call for Special Sessions SIGDIAL201989.15 KB
Wednesday, 11 September 2019 to Friday, 13 September 2019
Ingrid Zukerman
Milica Gasic
Submission Deadline: 
Monday, 28 January 2019

The Special Interest Group on Dialogue and Discourse (SIGDIAL) organizers welcome the submission of special session proposals. A SIGDIAL special session is the length of a regular session at the conference, and may be organized as a poster session, a panel session, a poster session with panel discussion, or an oral presentation session. Special sessions may, at the discretion of the SIGDIAL organizers, be held as parallel sessions.

The papers submitted to special sessions are handled by the special session organizers, but for the submitted papers to be in the SIGDIAL proceedings, they have to undergo the same review process as regular papers. The reviewers for the special session papers will be taken from the SIGDIAL program committee itself, taking into account the suggestions of the session organizers, and the program chairs will make acceptance decisions. In other words, special session organizers decide what appears in the session, while the program chairs decide what appears in the proceedings and the rest of the conference program.

We welcome special session proposals on any topic of interest to the discourse and dialogue communities. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to Explainable AI, Evaluation, Annotation, and End-to-end systems.