TA-COS 2018 - 2nd Workshop on Text Analytics for Cybersecurity and Online Safety

Event Notification Type: 
Call for Papers
Abbreviated Title: 
TA-COS 2018
Saturday, 12 May 2018
Contact Email: 
Els Lefever
Bart Desmet
Guy De Pauw
Submission Deadline: 
Friday, 12 January 2018

TA-COS 2018 - 2nd Workshop on Text Analytics for Cybersecurity and Online Safety
Fostering debate on technological advances and privacy concerns in the context of deploying text analytics for online safety purposes

The TA-COS workshop aims to bring together researchers that have an active interest in the development and application of text analytics systems in the broad context of cybersecurity. We welcome research papers on text analytics and text mining approaches that (1) help reduce the exposure to harmful content on the Internet, (2) detect illegal online activities and (3) monitor user-generated content in the context of real-life security threats. We are confident this workshop will allow for fruitful discussions on technological advances, privacy issues, data acquisition methods and other common goals and challenges that researchers face when deploying language technology tools for cybersecurity applications. Please visit http://ta-cos.org for more details on the first run of the workshop, including the proceedings of the workshop.

We invite papers on a wide range of topics, including, but not limited to:

- text analytics tools for cybersecurity applications
- annotated corpora for the development and validation of cybersecurity applications
- text-based detection of cyberbullying behavior on social network sites
- systems for the early detection of threats to emotional well-being, such as announcements of potential suicide and auto-mutilation, pro-suicide sites, ...
- moderator tools for the detection of offensive user-generated content (e.g. racism, sexual content, profanity, ...)
- text analytics tools for the detection of illegal activities (e.g. terrorism threats, drug trade, ...)
- text analytics tools for the detection of sexually transgressive behavior (e.g. stalking, grooming, ...)
- intervention systems for the detection of radicalization and criminalization of teenagers
- author profiling tools for the detection of identity fraud, "catfishing", …
- position papers on fair and responsible use of text-based cybersecurity technologies (privacy concerns, ...)

The submission process will be organized using the START Conference Manager (https://www.softconf.com/lrec2018/TA-COS2018/). Papers should be between 4 and 8 pages excluding references and be formatted using the LREC 2018 author’s kit templates.


In addition to describing your LRs in the LRE Map – now a normal step in the submission procedure of many conferences – LREC recognises the importance of sharing resources and making them available to the community. When submitting a paper, you will be offered the possibility to share your LRs (data, tools, web-services, etc.), uploading them in a special LREC repository set up by ELRA. LREC 2018 endorses the need to uniquely Identify LRs through the use of the International Standard Language Resource Number (ISLRN,www.islrn.org), a Persistent Unique Identifier to be assigned to each Language Resource. The assignment of ISLRNs to LRs cited in LREC papers will be offered at submission time.


Submission deadline: January 12, 2018
Notification of acceptance: February 12, 2018
Workshop: May 12, 2018


Els Lefever - LT3 - Ghent University
Guy De Pauw - Textgain / University of Antwerp
Bart Desmet - LT3 - Ghent University


Walter Daelemans - CLiPS - University of Antwerp
Veronique Hoste - LT3 - Ghent University


Walter Daelemans - CLiPS - University of Antwerp
Veronique Hoste - LT3 - Ghent University
Karolien Poels - University of Antwerp, Belgium
Cynthia Van Hee, Ghent University, Belgium
Fabio Crestani - University of Lugano, Switserland
Anna Vartapetiance - University of Surrey, UK
Maral Dadvar - Twente University, The Netherlands
Lee Gillam - University of Surrey, UK
Chris Emmery - University of Antwerp, Belgium
Guy De Pauw - Textgain, Belgium
Ben Verhoeven - University of Antwerp, Belgium
Els Lefever - Ghent University, Belgium
Bart Desmet - Ghent University, Belgium
Haji Mohammad Saleem - McGill University, Canada
Stephan Tulkens - University of Antwerp, Belgium
Shomir Wilson - Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Jose Maria Gomez Hidalgo - Pragsis Technologies
Zeerak Waseem - University of Sheffield, UK
Eva Lievens - Ghent University, Belgium