INLG 2018 -- Call for bids
Deadline for Proposals: 30 October 2017
SIGGEN (The Special Interest Group on Natural Language Generation of the Association for Computational Linguistics) invites proposals to organise and/or chair the International Natural Language Generation (INLG) Conference in 2018. This year, we are inviting proposals for two distinct roles: hosting and chairing. Proposals may cover either one of these, or both.
INLG conferences are usually held in late summer (early September), and can be co-located with other NLP events. INLG attendance is usually on the order of 80-100 people.
We especially welcome proposals for holding INLG-2018 in close temporal and geographic proximity to another larger event of interest to the INLG community. A good example from the past is INLG 2008: It was held immediately before ACL in a state park in Salt Fork, Ohio, a 1.5 hour bus ride from Columbus, Ohio, where ACL was held in 2008. We encourage teams of 3 or 4 people to share the organization of INLG-2018.
Full proposals for hosting, chairing or hosting and chairing should be emailed to siggen-board [at] by 30 October 2017. In your intent please indicate which option you are interested in (both hosting and chairing, only hosting or only chairing).
Regarding chairing, the SIGGEN board aims to strengthen the conference with satellite events (demos, workshops, poster sessions). The proposal should include the organisation of satellite workshops and tutorials in areas related to Natural Language Generation, which could serve to broaden interest in NLG to researchers and industrial partners that do not habitually attend NLG events. Examples of such workshops organised recently include the First Workshop on Data-to-Text (held in Edinburgh, March 2015 [1]) and the First International Workshop on Natural Language Generation from the Semantic Web (to be held in Nancy in June 2015 [2]). INLG 2017 featured 4 workshops (XCI, CC-NLG, LiRA and RST) and a hackathon.
Proposals for hosting should outline:
* Conference location and practicalities (venue, accommodation, meals).
* Approximate conference dates. It is possible to colocate INLG with other conferences of interest to the NLG community (for example, INLG-12 was held immediately prior to NAACL-HLT 2012 and INLG-10 and INLG-08 were held immediately prior to ACL-08/10).
* Rough budget and expected sponsorship. Approximately how much will participants need to pay to attend, including accommodation and meals as well as conference registration? Note that it has generally been possible to attend past INLGs for US$500 (460 Euros) or less.
* Local arrangements. Who will be in charge of organising the conference, and how will finances be handled (e.g., participants should be able to pay by credit card)?
For more information, see:
* for information about SIGGEN
* INLG 2017
* for information about INLG-2016
* for information about INLG-2014
* for information about INLG-2012
* for information about INLG-2010
* for information about INLG-2008
* for information about INLG-2006
* for information about INLG-2004
* [1] for information about the D2T workshop
* [2]
Please feel free to contact the SIGGEN board (siggen-board [at] if you have any questions.
-- The SIGGEN Board