Short-Term Reform Proposals for ACL Reviewing

Dear ACL members,

The rapid growth of submissions and the increasing popularity of preprints have caused several problems to the current ACL reviewing system. To address these problems, the ACL Committee on Reviewing has been working on two proposals for reforming the reviewing system of ACL-related conferences: short-term and long-term. The following document presents the short-term proposals:

It consists of four complementary actions that can be realistically implemented to improve the ACL review process in the near future (while the committee continues to investigate changes that require a longer lead time). These actions address several of the problems identified in the proposal.

The ACL Executive Committee has adopted these proposals. We hope that their implementation will have a quick positive impact on reviewing at ACL conferences.

I would like to thank the Reviewing Committee and in particular the team that put together the short-term proposals: Amanda Stent, Anna Korhonen and Yang Liu.

Hinrich Schütze, ACL President