You can view and download the tutorial schedule which includes room allocations for tutorials, workshops and co-located events.
The following tutorials will be offered at COLING/ACL-2006 on July 16, 2006.
- TUT 1 (a.m.): David Chiang and Kevin Knight (USC/Information Sciences Institute, USA)
Synchronous Grammars and Tree Automata - TUT 2 (p.m.): Joakim Nivre (Växjö University, Sweden) and Sandra Kübler (University of Tübingen, Germany)
Dependency Parsing - TUT 3 (p.m.): Aravind Joshi, Rashmi Prasad (University of Pennsylvania, USA) and Bonnie Webber (Edinburgh University, Scotland)
Discourse Annotation: Discourse Connectives and Discourse Relations - TUT 4 (p.m.): Michael Johnston and Srinivas Bangalore (AT&T Labs--Research, USA)
Multimodal Language Processing TUT 5 (a.m.): Ronen Feldman (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)CANCELLED
Mining Unstructured Data